Deceased ‘Hajis’ nominated heir to be paid Rs 01 million each as compensation

ISLAMABAD, Jun 01 (APP): The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony would pay Rs. 01 million each to the nominated heir of any deceased pilgrim of the Government Hajj Scheme and Rs.0.5 million in case of accidental disability of one limb during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

The said compensation policy would be regulated under Hajj Mohafiz Scheme.

According to Hajj Policy 2022, Rs.0.25 million would be paid to a pilgrim in case of his emergency evacuation from Saudi Arabia, due to genuine illness.
Ministry would continue Hajj Mohafiz Scheme for risk management under Takaful to compensate the affected Hujjaj or nominee of the deceased pilgrim in current year’s Hajj season.

Each Haji member of Welfare Staff would be required to contribute a non-refundable amount of Rs 1,000 into the scheme. The said scheme would compensate Hujjaj/welfare staff against the losses.